About Pureco We respect water

Pureco Ltd, a 100% Hungarian-owned company is the founder of more than ten (10) partly owned PURECO group of companies developing and manufacturing and selling sustainable and affordable water management solutions and products and technologies in six (6) countries on two (2) continents. Furthermore, it implements complex water and environmental projects. Its mostly self-developed and partly patented products and solutions serve the protection of the environment and sustainable and affordable municipal, industrial and agricultural water management in more than twenty (20) countries on four (4 ) continents. 

Solutions range from rainwater collection and treatment and storage and recycling to drinking and wastewater collection and distribution systems. The treatment of drinking, industrial, waste and landfill water as well as recycling of all, are part of our activities (www.purecoreferences.com ). Besides high-quality engineering solutions, PURECO puts a great emphasis on cost-effectiveness.
Far beyond the cost-effectiveness of product development, design and manufacturing and the construction of complex equipment, we take the costs of installation and operation and maintenance into account.

We also provide financing for our solutions, especially in the case of international sales to emerging markets. (we are the first in Hungary to implement an international wastewater treatment project financed by an EXIM customer loan, and we also have experience in implementing international projects based on Tied Aid Loan).

Click HERE to read about our product portfolio.



Stormwater management

Stormwater management

The only renewable water source is rainwater, and the threat of pollution to our global surface and ground waters, and the threat of aquifer depletion is ever increasing. The rainfall once on the surfaces often gets contaminated - just think of the pollutants on the paved surfaces - so the challenge is not only the collection and the possible recycling/reuse of the stormwater, but the cleaning and infiltration of the not utilized water is also crucial. Our goal to preserve the environment and to properly manage stormwater successfully. We offer a patented product (oil separator) for stormwater treatment, special systems for dewatering municipal, industrial surface, a combination of steel tanks and concrete oil separator, unique stormwater drainage systems and pipes, infiltration and storage equipment capable for fire water as well and special products to treat the stormwater channels from plastic.

Drinking water purification

Drinking water purification

Clean drinking water for everyone! There are several ways to protect and conserve existing water resources and to provide potable water. From an engineering perspective, this task is primarily about developing sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly water management designs, technologies and solutions. Pureco offers special membrane solutions in the field of drinking water treatment. Moreover containerized, mobile water treatment systems are also available to provide drinking water from any kind of surface water or recycle and reuse secondary water sources for agricultural or industrial applications. Additionally, we provide special technology for arsenic and fluoride removal. Among our previous successful projects, in addition to water purification assignments, we also designed and managed the construction of river surface water intake facilities, water treatment structures, and the mechanical engineering of the above.

Wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment

Based on our expert knowledge and our products, we offer the reconstruction of outdated sewerage treatment plants, or the construction of new systems - treating either sewerage wastewater or septic waters. Additionally, we provide supporting services for the companies who are dealing with the operation and maintenance of the systems. Municipal wastewater treatment technologies: we offer mechanical cleaning, biological treatment (activated sludge technology, SBR, fixed -film systems, membrane bioreactors), tertiary treatment, surplus aerobic sludge treatment. For a higher efficiency: the BIOCOS (Combined Biological System) technology is the improved version of the aerobic activated sludge process, combining the benefits of traditional flow systems and the SBR basin. We also offer a special solution to treat the collected septic water in a self-manageable way.

Water utility

Water utility

We offer reliable and long-lasting solutions for water supply pipes for both drinking water and sewerage networks. The sustainable properties of the ductil iron pipe we offer, combined with innovative product technologies and professional expertise in our customers' areas of application, make us the right partner for the water industry and deep-foundation engineering. The other type of pipe, the Glassfiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe is a cost-saving, effective solution for water transportation with low operating and maintenance costs. 

Air treatment

Air treatment

Odourless industrial activities? It is possible with complex air treatment solution of Ventus Biofilters. The unpleasant odour and smell are often associated with industrial activities, especially within the area of municipal wastewater collection and treatment, at wastewater treatment and sludge treatment plants, near sewerage systems, at landfills and composting plants, during food or chemical industry. The VENTUS Biofilter system, using the biodegradability of microorganisms, is an environmentally friendly, sustainable and safe solution to eliminate odour problems. Our first VENTUS Biofilters were tested at pumping stations and wastewater treatment plants that we had constructed. Right after the first successful testing process, we completed the product range and now there are five different styled biofilter units using biodegradation for odour air treatment with biomass.

Other products & technologies

Other products & technologies

We offer a comprehensive range of supplementary products such as channel gratings, manhole covers, gully grating. These are selected from different manufacturers and matched to our own assortment of products. Should you need these products please contact our colleagues and ask for their advice on finding the perfect matching gratings and covers.