Magyarszombatfa and Őriszentpéter are located in a protected area (Őrség National Park) and in the sensitive watershed of Lake Balaton, which plays a key role in the country's tourism and sensitive surface waters. Thus, the proper wastewater drainage and treatment of the area had to be addressed with special attention but within a short timeframe.
The challenges of the project included the fragmented settlement network and the additional specificity of the settlements due to their heterogeneous nature, namely the fact that some parts of the settlements are sometimes several kilometres apart (see Szalafő, Nagyrákos).
While in cities and densely populated areas the construction of a sewerage network is not only indispensable but also economical, in these small and sparsely populated areas the treatment of wastewater had to be considered from both economic and environmental points of view.
Pureco's experts have intensified and modernised the existing wastewater treatment plant in Őriszentpéter and built a new wastewater treatment plant in Magyarszombatfa.
The sewerage and drainage between the settlements of Ispánk and Szalafő to the Őriszentpéter plant were carried out by Alpok Terra Kft.
In Magyarszombatfa, SBR technology was used. The great advantage of this space-saving solution is that all the treatment processes take place in a single basin, so there is no need for a final sedimentation tank, its engineering, nitrogen and phosphorus removal are highly efficient and operation is simple.
In Őriszentpéter it was necessary to expand the existing plant because the settlements of Szalafő and Ispánk were reclassified to the agglomeration of Őriszentpéter in terms of sewage disposal and treatment, and the wastewater of these settlements is also discharged to the plant in Őriszentpéter through the sewer network of the settlement.
The old plant did not have sufficient capacity to handle the excess wastewater load, and the necessary upgrades and expansion were carried out by Pureco. No new structures were built during the reconstruction, but the technology and machinery were replaced. To ensure the effluent limit value, a new after-filtration plant was installed, as the aim was to achieve a quality of treatment that meets water quality protection requirements.
We are proud to have contributed with our expertise to the cleaner environment in the region and to the health of the people living here.