A consortium led by Pureco Ltd. and including Puraset Ltd. and Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. submitted a grant application for the GINOP PLUSZ-2.1.1-21 call for proposals entitled Stimulating Corporate Research, Development and Innovation Activities under the Széchenyi Plan Plus Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme Plus. Following a successful application, the grant decision was based on the non-refundable EU grant of HUF 593.29 million at a rate of 67.44 %. The project aims to develop a target-specific, ready-for-sale water treatment product range, based on proprietary production technology and measurement and validation results, as well as a regeneration technology and processes to minimise hazardous waste from adsorbent production/use and regeneration, which can be sold on the water treatment technology market.
The key elements of the project are the definition of R&D directions for adsorbent development, the production of new adsorbents suitable for water treatment, the R&D of new material compositions and manufacturing technologies for adsorbents not commercially available and the development of a measurement-qualification system for adsorbent material compositions, development of technologies for adsorbent regeneration, development of technologies to minimise the amount of hazardous waste generated during adsorbent production and regeneration, testing of adsorbents in an environment representative of actual operating conditions, adsorbent supply and the establishment of a technology database. The EU grant will help the consortium members to finance the salary costs of the project staff, the materials and equipment needed for R&D activities and the fees of external experts. The project will be carried out in Jászfényszaru and Szeged, starting on 1 April 2022 and expected to end on 20 March 2025.